Make Communication Personal

Make Communication Personal

In today’s fast-paced and technology-centered society, emails and short text messages are the norm. While these forms of communication are fine, you can make yourself stand out more and build a substantial relationship with your clients if you take a few extra minutes to insert something personal into your next message.

For example, if you are interested in building a relationship, add in a specific detail or two in your email to prospects. A good way to do this is to mention something of personal interest, such as a big win of their favorite sport’s team. This is a great first step towards establishing a strong, long-term relationship.

How we do it: When a prospective client reaches out to us, we check out their site and any social media accounts they might have in order to get a better feel for who they are and what is important to them. Then during phone calls, or emails we make mention of some tid bit we connected to. I don’t suggest you fake it, because that will only get you so far. Instead truly invest in finding out more about them that you can also relate with. I’m not a sports fan, so for me to say hey, big win with those Yankees…isn’t going to sound authentic. If you are a sports fan though, it will.